• 30.07.13, 13:06
Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine

Rahvusvaheline ettevõte otsib pearaamatupidajat

Gilbarco Veeder-Root is the global leader of integrated technology solutions in the retail petroleum industry. Company represents the leading brands of solutions and technologies that provide convenience, control, and environmental integrity for retail fuelling and adjacent markets.
We are looking for : Chief Accountant (Finland and Baltics)
You will be responsible for the complete accounting and reporting of Finnish entity with all related transactions (Fixed assets, bank payments, cash application etc.). Your job will also include responsibility over Estonian entity and support for some overall Baltics reporting.
You will succeed if you:
• have 4-5 year experience in Accounting area;• have Bachelor degree in finance or Accounting;• speak fluently English and Finnish;• are very accurate, punctual and have attention to detail;• have a “do what it takes” mentality;• are team-player with good communication skills.We offer the opportunity to be part of an international company and work closely with Finnish, Swedish and Baltic financial team.Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Application: Please send your CV in English to [email protected] latest on 08.08.2013.
For more information send e-mail or call +372 6306565.

Seotud lood

  • ST
  • 05.12.24, 07:30
Avalikusta kliendi võlg ja tagastamise kiirus kahekordistub
Infopanga võlaregister on viimase nelja kuu jooksul aidanud ettevõtetel võlglastelt tagasi saada keskmiselt 47% võlgadest ja augustis tõusis see näitaja koguni 79%-ni.

Hetkel kuum

Liitu uudiskirjaga

Telli uudiskiri ning saad oma postkasti päeva olulisemad uudised.

Tagasi Raamatupidaja esilehele